La Sublime Stupidità I: Firenze, Italia - ottobre 2014

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Un seminario di introduzione al Clown Teatrale (il tuo, in effetti)

tenuto da Elizabeth Baron 

sabato e domenica, 25-26 ottobre, 2014

Firenze, ITALIA
    • Duratasabato e domenica dalle 10.30 alle 18.30 
    • IndirizzoGARAGE Performance STUDIO, Via Monti 1 rosso, 50124 (vicino a Porta Romana) Firenze, Italia
    • L'età minima: 16 anni
    • Numero di studenti: Massimo-10 / Minimo-6
    • Abiti: Vestiti in cui è possibile muoversi agilmente, non troppo sformati
    • Colore dei abiti: Neri preferiti, o grigio 
    • COSTO DEL CORSO: 190 euro / 160 euro
    • Sconto di 30 euro per le iscrizioni entro il 6 ottobre!!
    • Deposito: 50 euro (non rimborsabile)
    • Il deposito è necessario per iscriversi al corso, e dev'essere versato anche dalle persone interessate ad usufruire dello sconto
      Per iscrizioni contattare:
      Elizabeth - o telefonare +39.331.9817433 

      Questo seminario sarà tenuto in inglese ed italiano
      !!Padronanza della lingua inglese non richiesto!!

      Identificando ed imparando a celebrare ciò che è unicamente ed intrinsecamente stupido in ognuno di noi, cominciamo a conoscere ed impersonare i nostri clown. Ironicamente, queste qualità che spesso non conosciamo, o che cerchiamo con fatica di nascondere, sono, in effetti, la porta d'ingresso al divertentissimo, profondo e semplicemente sublime lavoro del clown.   

      ELIZABETH BARON è un’insegnante, regista e attrice che ha al suo attivo molti riconoscimenti. Insegna Maschera, Voce, Recitazione e Clown Teatrale, e tiene seminari e lezioni di movimento negli Stati Uniti e a livello internazionale. Lei faceva parte del corpo insegnanti permanenti della Scuola Internazionale di Creazione Teatrale HÈLIKOS a Firenze, guidato da Giovanni Fusetti. Ha ottenuto un Master of Fine Arts presso Naropa University/London International School of the Performing Arts (LISPA), con una formazione sull’attore/creatore nel teatro gestuale di Jacques Lecoq.

      Liz is a generous and committed artist and a sensitive, hearted and insightful teacher. Her clown, Mowanna, taught me about vulnerability and the openness of the clown heart. I am delighted to recommend her as a clown teacher: she will joyfully cast the spell of the red nose onto you. -- Giovanni Fusetti
      Sublime Stupidity Banner Credit: Alex Miles Younger Photography 

      Student and Teacher Blurbs
      Ho partecipato al primo modulo di Sublime Stupidity e sono molto soddisfatto. Non pensavo possibile, in soli 2 giorni, scoprire così tante cose su me e il mio modo di stare sul palco con il naso rosso, ma Elisabeth ha un metodo speciale, ti prende per mano e ti guida alla scoperta del tuo clown; Lei è professionale, capace e non ha fretta, tu chiudi gli occhi, respiri, ti fai accompagnare e quando li riapri scopri che hai fatto tanta strada. Grazie Liz, aspetto di sapere le date dei prossimi appuntamenti.                                                                         -- Stefano Manca, Actor, Writer - Pino e gli Anticorpi and Babbudoiu Corporation
      Thank you again for leading us through this most amazing work. I've never had this much fun learning so intensely. You are gifted in recognizing and encouraging the playful aspects of each person and in getting the group to engage meaningfully with each other.  I experienced insights into myself and my relationships that astonished and explained so much – much more than therapy or any other method of self-exploration! I can't thank you enough for bringing your wisdom and compassion to bear on the human vulnerability we all share.  
      -- Katie McElroy
      I loved it.  I felt held and I felt totally engaged in the work, and I feel that you have such a gift for bringing out each person's soft spots and gently bringing them to the surface, beautiful work.  The best performance I have seen in a long time… What a lovely, exciting, fun, brilliant workshop you brought to us.
      -- Joanna Rotkin, Tinhouse Experimental Dance Theatre and Naropa University Faculty
      Ms. Baron is an enthusiastic and engaging teacher, who is able to meet students on their level (whatever level that might be) and inspire them to work and make discoveries about both the topic and themselves. Her enthusiasm and professionalism in her work carries over into her teaching, and she sets a lively and productive atmosphere in the classroom/ performance laboratory. She provides a supportive environment for creative play and active learning that encourages students to take risks and try new things.
      -- Elizabeth Ann Jochum, M.A., Department of Theatre and Dance – University of Colorado, Boulder
      Liz is a powerful, insightful, compassionate and incredibly keen warrior.  A true teacher.  I love her.
      -- Tory Capron, Senior Teacher  - The Dharma Ocean Foundation
      For someone totally new to the world of clowning and performance art, and a little bit uncomfortable about my body, I found the Red Nose workshop extremely accessible, welcoming, and useful. There was no wrong way to move or wrong thing to do with my body, yet the workshop was cleverly structured and focused. It improved the way I look at my body and my own movement, and how I perceive others. Liz's insights and observations were excellent, and watching other people's clowns emerge over the course of the workshop was completely fascinating. Months later, I still think about the workshop and let my clown come out every once in a while, and I would recommend the workshop to anyone, and I'd happily take another one someday!                                                                                  -- Matt Chisholm
      Having attended much longer red-nose workshops, I was curious to see how much Liz could do with a weekend. Wow!  Liz guided us into some stirring and playful time in just a few hours. Everyone had the opportunity to explore their clowns.  What impresses me most about Liz's teaching is her keen clown-vision.  What she sees in someone is often so penetrating and clear, and it always provokes learning.
      Liz also has the grace to allow herself to not get locked into a particular idea with someone's clown. Her insights seem at once precise and open, as perhaps parents can know their children and continue to know them more as they grow.  Aside from her knowledge and passion for evoking clown, Liz practiced great time-management skills, good reading of and response to group-energy, and she provided a safe, well-guardianed learning/playing environment.
      -- Jeffry Buechler
      If you are reading this and are considering taking a workshop with Liz Baron, please do, for yourself and the world. This is some seriously life-changing stupidity she’s dish’n out and I recommend it fully150%. The two-day clown workshop was hilarious and profound, as well as tremendous fun. Taking the workshop with me were my girlfriend and two very close friends, which made it both rich and damn hard, as we all explored parts of our selves in the play of clowning that we normally keep beneath the surface. This was particularly important between my girlfriend and I and opened the door to a dimension of closeness that we didn’t realize we had been missing.

      Liz took the dynamics between all of us completely in stride, supporting and challenging us firmly and compassionately. I have been clowning professionally for many years and found this workshop to be both rigorous and worthwhile, as did my friends who were on stage for the first time. So yeah: Liz Baron? Great teacher. Red Nose Workshop?: Invaluable investment in life, onstage and off. (Questions email:
      -- Peter Sweet, International Circus Artist/Performer
      I loved the Red Nose Workshop with Liz Baron! I have never taken a Red Nose workshop before nor have had much theater experience but Liz's teaching style made the work extremely accessible to even the novice actor like myself.  Liz has a remarkable ability of creating a safe space for the exploration of one's material to emerge while also encouraging you to dive deeper and fully embody the process.  I highly recommend this workshop and can't wait to attend more with Liz in the future!  
      -- Brie Anderson, Therapist and Adoption Specialist
      Elizabeth's luminous energy, her compassionate and incisive guidance, and her delight in the process were hugely important to me.  Her mastery of this form is undeniable.  She taught me to feel and use my fears, instead of denying and blocking them.  This work changed my experience of myself.  
      -- Margaret Baron
      We, Clowns in the USA, are very lucky to have Liz Baron as a resource. Her freshness, curiosity for people, dedication to the students and understanding of humanity make the perfect combination when I am looking for a Clown teacher. I have to say, I really love her laugh. 
       -- Mery Miguez
      My main clown workshop goal was to become a better teacher by becoming more comfortable speaking in front of people.  At first I thought I had failed, as my clown did not like being on stage either.  But that was the lesson.  I knew that I had an affinity for experiential education, hence my career choices; but the embrace of my discomfort and learning that I seek refuge in the crowd/audience has helped me to move around the "classroom" more freely and allowed me to more instinctively recognize and use teachable moments.  I am unable to hide what I am feeling, yet I thought I had to hide my vulnerabilities, however not my faults, when teaching.  I used to teach middle school math in the summers to bright, inner city kids, and thought I had lost my ability to teach. 
      I am finding success in the classroom again with this current group of students.  Thanks Liz! 
      -- Fai Au
      Liz Baron is a snake charmer. It was such a jaw dropping experience for me… I was blown away! Her humor was restaurant quality and her infectious laugh lulled my clown out of his hiding place... without it, he might still be flirting behind the curtain… What an amazing art form, and what a trans-formative experience!  The lessons repeated were the ones I need to hear every day of my life.  Breathe, Feel, Be Honest and love what comes up, because it's all welcome.  
      I continue to tap into my power, presence and ability to let go, and I wonder how my clown might show up in new ways. I miss it!  Best belly laughs in a long time!  I am going to fill her next class all by myself. 
      -- Ted Reavey
      Taking a Red Nose workshop with Elizabeth Baron was a great Odyssey.  As a novice in clown art, I felt that we were on a ship, not exactly knowing the direction we were supposed to head up to when we started but I knew that the team was safe and that the shore would be rewarding.
      And it was. We explored our inner clowns individually and collectively.
      We rediscovered all the spectrum of human emotions through them.
      Liz's gift to help you shape your clown's birth through body movement is amazing.
      Yep, it was like being pregnant and having a great midwife at your side, someone with no judgment and very supportive.   
      -- Cecile Kyriakos, Dept of French and Italian, University of Colorado at Boulder